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No CD Crack Siedler 3 Gold: Experience the ‘Holy Grail’ Fusion Experiment of the Settlers Series


  • Table of Contents CD #2There are a total of 13 tracks on CD, plus the lead-out.Track 1 occupies 234434 blocks (52 Min, 5 Sec, 59 Frames).This track contains data and is ISO-9660 format.Track 2 occupies 9110 blocks (2 Min, 1 Sec, 35 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 3 occupies 9255 blocks (2 Min, 3 Sec, 30 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 4 occupies 10693 blocks (2 Min, 22 Sec, 43 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 5 occupies 8616 blocks (1 Min, 54 Sec, 66 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 6 occupies 11589 blocks (2 Min, 34 Sec, 39 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 7 occupies 14456 blocks (3 Min, 12 Sec, 56 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 8 occupies 7520 blocks (1 Min, 40 Sec, 20 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 9 occupies 9047 blocks (2 Min, 0 Sec, 47 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 10 occupies 9327 blocks (2 Min, 4 Sec, 27 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 11 occupies 14017 blocks (3 Min, 6 Sec, 67 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 12 occupies 10819 blocks (2 Min, 24 Sec, 19 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Track 13 occupies 10585 blocks (2 Min, 21 Sec, 10 Frames).This track contains audio without pre-emphasis.Lead-out track starts at block 359468.---------------------------------------------Data track 1 recorded as part of session 1.This track has an application identifier of " ".There are 80 accessible files and 12 directoriesProtectionUnreadable ErrorsThe topside of CD #1 has been "damaged", a ring (about 1 mm) is clearly visible at about 1/3 of the outside of the CD.CD-ReaderYamaha CRW4416SCD-WriterYamaha CRW4416SSoftwareNero Burning Rom Failed- after 4 hours it ejected CD #1

  • CDRWIN 3.6b: Failed- after 2 hours it returns a error window

  • CD-R Media-Instructions-Die Siedler 3 [GERMAN] CD-Copy #417-12-1998FiReBiRd/GCG File Archive [111 KB]FTPFTPSiedler III - CD 1:Den kompletten Daten-Inhalt ohne MISSIONS.DAT auf ein leeres Verzeichnis der Festplatte kopieren

  • Die Audio-Tracks extrahieren

  • Nun geht's ans Eingemachte! Um die Datei MISSIONS.DAT zu kopieren, braucht Ihr Hex Workshop 2.54. Diesen bekommt Ihr hierStartet ihn und oeffnet die Datei von der Original-CD.*** ACHTUNG ***Lest die Datei vom BRENNER aus, nicht von Eurem normalen CD-ROM - Laufwerk! Allen Erfahrungen nach k??nnen Brenner "mehr" lesen als normale CD-ROMs!Der Vorgang kann ein paar Minuten dauern. Sobald der Ladevorgang beendet ist, seht Ihr die ge??ffnete MISSIONS.DAT vor Euch. Bis zu den defekten Sektoren ist der Inhalt erhalten geblieben, danach wurden vom Brenner lauter Nullen gesetzt. Dies ist jedoch egal! Speichert jetzt die MISSIONS.DAT in das Verzeichnis auf der HD in das Ihr Siedler III kopiert habt.

  • Jetzt muesst Ihr noch an zwei Dateien Veraenderungen vornehmen und zwar an der AUTORUN.DAT im Verzeichnis S3\INSTALL und an der AUTORUN.EXE im Verzeichnis S3, da auch die Autorun-Funktion einen Kopierschutz integriert hat! Totall irre, was? Um die Datei AUTORUN.EXE patchen, verwendet einfach den mitgelieferten Patcher GCG_S3AR.EXE. Die Datei AUTORUN.DAT ??berschreibt Ihr mit der ebenfalls mitgelieferten.

  • Die mitgelieferte Datei S3GCG.EXE in das Verzeichnis S3 kopieren. Diese Datei stellt den Loader dar. Das Spiel kann NUR ueber die Datei S3GCG.EXE gestartet werden, NICHT ueber S3.EXE!!!

  • Das war's eigentlich schon - aber leider passt der ganze Mist nicht auf einen 650 MB-Rohling! Deswegen muessen die Audio-Tracks veraendert werden. Das funktioniert so: Ihr muesst jeweils den Audio-Track 6 & 10 (das sind auf dem Layout also Track 7 und 11!) ersetzen durch den Audio-Track 8. Ihr solltet also den Audio-Track 8 insgesamt 3x im fertigen Layout haben!

  • So - der Rohling ist nun randvoll mit geiler Software! Einfach noch der CD den Namen S3CD1_G geben und auf den Record-Knopf Eurer Brennsoftware dr??cken, warten und Siedler III geniessen!!!

  • Oops! Beinahe haette ich es vergessen! Ihr braucht ja noch die Serial fuer das Game. Hier ist sie: 8786-4414-6830-9520-6377

  • Siedler III - CD 2:Diese CD hat keinen Kopierschutz. Hier gibt es zwei M??glichkeiten, die CD zu kopieren: Entweder Ihr nehmt einen 700 MB-Rohling und macht ein CD-Copy oder Ihr brennt nur den Daten-Track und lasst die Audio-Tracks sonstwo!!

  • NOTE:This patch should fix all bugs (pigs & more) that still existed after patching the game using the previous fixes.Die Siedler 3 [GERMAN] CD-Copy #307-12-1998Hannibal LecterDie Siedler 3 can be unprotected using the latest official 1.23 Update:Startup CDRWIN 3.6b.

  • Click Backup Disc.

  • Leave everything unchange except for the following option:Error Recovery - Ignore

  • Click START to begin the CD-Copy.Use a 80 minutes CD-R as the image is too big for normal CD-R's.

  • When ready install the game from the copied CD-R.

  • Apply Die Siedler 3 1.20 to 1.23 Update (the Update doesn't have the bad block detection).

  • Play the game!

  • NOTE:This fix doesn't work for the Settlers 3 [ENGLISH] version.Only a few CDROMs/CD-Writers seem to be able to read the complete CD. Many drives just stop (or eject the CD) when the unreadable blocks are read. It has been reported that the newer Yamaha and Teac CD-R55S CD-Writer will do the job.Btw: The Teac CD-R55S is the only writer that can recreate these badblocks, so the game can maybe works without patching or upgrading (the other writers will convert them to readable ones)!If you change the original because your drives are not able to handle this, don't be surprised when the game will not work.Die Siedler 3 [GERMAN] CD-Copy #202-12-1998The Burnout File Archive [26 KB]CD #1:Copy the full contents (without missions.dat) of the CD to harddisk.

  • Extract the Audio tracks (for example with wavelab) to disk.

  • Copy missions.dat to the before specified directory. When the Explorer seems to hang, press ctrl+alt+del and close the task.You'll have the 21 MB missions.dat on hdd.

  • Delete the demos (only the 2 files).

  • Now you can burn the CD with the original label (S3cd1_g) and the Audio Tracks.

  • CD #2:Copy the full contents of the CD to harddisk.

  • Extract the Audio tracks to disk (for example with wavelab).

  • Burn the CD using original label (S3cd2_g) and the Audio Tracks.

NOTE:The game runs (on my system) without any crack, but you need a serial number (use the SERIAL.EXE keygen included in the archive).Both CD's are over 76 minutes so you need 80 minutes CD-R's. If 80 minutes CD-R's are not available make one of the Audio files smaller:Edit the wave-files and cut some minutes of some of the Tracks (Here you need a bit experience, as soon as you are under 75 Min. you are able to burn the copy. You need to cut about 5:30 Min of each CD).

no cd crack siedler 3 gold

ASCII proudly presents Settlers III -CRACK FIX- for english (RZR) & german (BLH) version SUPPLiER......: Moelch REQUiRED CPU.......: P166 CRACKER.......: REQUiRED RAM.......: 32MB STRiPPER......: REQUiRED HD SPACE..: 1MB PACKAGER......: ZoLDAN REQUiRED OS........: WiN95/98 RELEASE.DATE..: 22-Nov-1998 DiRECTX............: 6.0 PROTECTiON....: Label-Check/Size SVGA...............: Yes RELEASE.SiZE..: 1 Disk SOUNDBLASTER.......: Yes GAME TYPE.....: Crack FIX GENERAL-MiDi.......: No RELEASE NOTES: Main Release Information The gods Jupiter (Romans), Horus (Egyptians) and Ch'ih -Yu (Asians) have unfortunately lost some of their shape, due to gluttony that comes with centuries of reigning. During one of their parties, HE orders them to appear in front of HIM, through HIS private secretary Q'nq'ra. HE is the highest of all gods in the universe. HE is very angry, Q'nq'ra gloats, and it's true that the god of all gods wants to change their terrible lives and grant them one last chance to straighten up. For the very last time, each of them may nominate the best one of their race as the leader for a new beginning. They are expected to find a new people with his help, to build up a new economy, and to prove themselves by fighting other races. However, only one of the three races can assume leadership, and only the god whose people prevail, won't be punished. And this punishment is really gory... The three gods remorsefully get on their way in order to find the right man... The Settlers III contains three different campaigns: Roman, Egyptian, and Asian. Just like in the preceding games, the goal is to build up an economy. In The Settlers III, however, the player can choose the races he wants to use. Depending on the god they're adoring, the people have different characteristics and skills, and either they're good at construction or at developing strategies.The characters of the different races have varying physical features, wear distinct clothing, live in different houses and build special temples for their god. The player assumes the role of the leader chosen by his god.All Settlers people are hard-working and energetic, and therefore immediately start building houses and making food from natural resources like wood,rocks,deer,fish, plants and minerals. There are foresters and lumberjacks, geologists, miners, farmers and carpenters all in all, more than 30 different types of characters follow the player's instructions! But soon he discovers: It's not easy looking after the well-being of an entire race! Here there's no wood, over there the construction work comes to a halt, and somewhere else the lumberjacks are no longer working because they've run out of food. And the Gods should not be forgotten either, because they could send catastrophes like blazes and plagues of locusts! Temples and other shrines must be built. The priests and temple guardians adore the Gods by making generous sacrifices. The player must obviously plan ahead, so his economy functions and prospers and it has to, because the neighboring people and their gods are always on the guard!The better the economy functions, the better the chances are to protect oneself from the neighbors assaults or to invade enemy territory. There are sword fighters , archers, spear throwers and scouts. The military equipment is also quite impressive: In The Settlers III, fortresses , towers, and ships are now accessible for the Settlers characters.The authentic pattern of individual military movements can be controlled by the player . The goal of each of the three campaigns is to defeat the other two races, because this is the only way for the triumphant god to escape his terrible punishment.... Crack FIX Information Backlash released the german version of Settlers 3 (Die Siedler 3) on 15-November-98. We tested all game features like single-play, multi-play on internet and LAN. We tested all races and all dificulty levels. Well, obviously our crack (we used a loader routine by moelch, because the main .exe file was crypted!) was not 100%. Later in the game strange things happens, like the tree growing was not complete (so you get no more wood), or instead of iron you recieved pigs, and many more. On 18-November-98 RAZOR released the english version of this game and just used our crack , which on the first look works fine, but later you got the same problems like in the BLH version. So a fix is needed! Now we present a FULLY working crack-fix for both the english and the german RELEASE (not the ISO) version. Just replace the loader with the included one and you won't have any problems any more. ISO-Note Our Crack does NOT work with any ISO-release of this game , either the english nor the german version . Maybe we will release an iso-crack, but the included crack wont work. Some lamers (like sentinel/gwa) took our first crack for their ISO-release (without asking us and without giving credits to us) and blamed bluebyte for the problems with their isos. NUKE them, because NO iso will work, if you don't have a real-ISO crack. - ZoLDAN - GROUP GREETiNGS CAMPAiGN - CLASS - CORE - ENERGY - iNSANiTY - PARADOX RAZOR - SAC - X-PRESSION - - -- ---> FEEL THE BACKLASH AFFiLiATED WiTH THESE DUDES (,,) )__) Appz Affilz : Rebels IHQ / )___) \____( )___) )___ 2ff7e9595c

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