Sex analysis is largely overlooked in marine science (Tannenbaum et al., 2019). A recent systematic review of ocean acidification literature, for example, revealed that only 3.7% of recent studies tested for sex differences, and 85% of studies failed to consider sex at all (Ellis et al., 2017). Failing to account for such differences impacts our ability to effectively manage ecosystems and set conservation priorities.
The inclusion of sex in marine science requires challenging the widely held perception that sex plays no role in determining biological responses to environmental disturbances. We must also move beyond the assumption that sex is binary, fixed, and genetically determined. Nature abounds with examples of sex along a continuum, labile sex, and sex determined by an interacting suite of genetic, hormonal, physiological, social and/or environmental processes. In order to understand the importance of sex for basic biology, it is important to consider the mechanisms, timings, and direction of sex determination and differentiation, as well as differences in female, male and hermaphroditic responses to environmental perturbation.
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Conclusions Incorporating sex analysis throughout marine and environmental science innovation will facilitate discovery, research efficiency, reproducibility and robustness. Recent advances in sexing technologies will enable wider inclusion of sex analysis throughout these disciplines and facilitate better modelling of demographic change among marine organisms. This, in turn, will enhance our ability to effectively manage ecosystems and set conservation priorities.
To advance sex analysis in marine science and enhance its incorporation across the discipline, we recommend: 1.Policy developments in funding agencies and peer-reviewed journals that require sex analysis in marine science, and more broadly across the life sciences.2.Development of novel sexing techniques for an increasingly wide array of non-model marine organisms, especially for species where morphological sexual dimorphism is not conspicuous.3.Development of sexing techniques to improve accessibility, reliability, cost and ease. Increasing affordability of omics approaches and advancement of computing power will enable this endeavor.4.Development of research that considers the role of hermaphroditism in sex disaggregated reporting of results (see Analyzing Sex in Hermaphroditic Species). This will enable better modelling of the timing, direction and duration of sex change, as well as sex determination mechanisms. This research should also consider individual responses to environmental stress where cells/behaviors/physiologies of different sexes co-exist simultaneously.5.Modelling of ecosystem functioning and responses to climate change that incorporates sex analysis, where sex disaggregated data of sufficient quality is available. Such an endeavor will improve conservation efforts and MPA designation/management, as well as enable better management of fisheries.
Ellis, R. P., Spicer, J. I., Byrne, J. J., Sommer, U., Viant, M. R., White, D. A., & Widdicombe, S., 2014. 1H NMR metabolomics reveals contrasting response by male and female mussels exposed to reduced seawater pH, increased temperature, and a pathogen. Environmental science & technology, 48(12), 7044-7052.
Sex differences have been reported in various tasks ranging from cognitive1, to perceptual2 and motor tasks3. Thus, incorporating sex as a biological variable is increasingly proven relevant in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience4,5,6. However, the nature of these differences remains controversial and their origin is largely unknown. Here we focus on visuo-oculo-manual tracking, a natural behavior widely used in the field of motor control7,8,9,10. Tracking a moving target with the hand is a neat task to investigate the online control of visually guided movements because it relies heavily on the ability of the participant to update his/her hand motor commands on the basis of ongoing visual information. Thus, studying the ability to adjust our movements on the fly using ongoing sensory information is critical to understand how ones can readily achieve many of our everyday-life activities such as slaloming between customers when shopping at the supermarket or pursuing an opponent during a soccer match. Last but not least, visuomotor tracking is also a task tailored to investigate eye-hand coordination8,11,12, another valuable skill useful in many real life situations.
In summary, the current study provides clear evidence of a difference in visuomotor processing between males and females. Our results show that this male advantage does not reside in a more refined gaze strategy, or more sophisticated hand movements, but rather in a faster decisional process linking visual information of the target with forthcoming hand actions. More generally there is a growing interest in sex differences in funding agencies, the neuroscience community, as well as in medicine for drug treatment and rehabilitation strategies6. The current study reinforces the view that incorporating sex as a biological variable is relevant in behavioral neuroscience4,5.
For humans to understand bird sex, they must first throw out all thoughts of mammalian sex organs. Unlike mammals, most male birds do not have penises, according to (opens in new tab), a website run by Roger Lederer, professor emeritus of biological sciences at California State University, Chico.
Understanding the basic biological, chemical, and physical principles that govern the flow of energy, materials, and information among physical, ecological, and human systems is critical for both science and non-science majors. This course will allow students to understand how the world works and will emphasize the relationship between human systems and natural systems. This course will prepare the next generation of scientists, teachers, policy makers, citizens, and leaders to meet future challenges and protect our fragile planet.
On March 10, 2016, the Humanities Institute hosted Samuel R. Delany, an American science-fiction novelist and critic whose highly imaginative works address sexual, racial, and social issues, heroic quests, and the nature of language.
Thanks to a kind of science reality show, evolutionary biologists are getting a reality check. The day-to-day lives of field crickets, captured on 250,000 hours of surveillance footage, are providing a glimpse into how well studies in the lab match up with life in the wild.
Much of indoor science proved applicable outdoors, but there were surprises, including a more complicated view of how the number of mates relates to the number of offspring, according to the first report on the project, appearing in the June 4 Science.
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